The Small Group Network (SGN) is an International and Inter-denominational community that supports tens of thousands of small group point people operating in over 100 different countries. I have the privilege of serving as an author on their Communications Team.

If you would like to check out my small group articles written to help and encourage point people, go to or click on the title of any of the small group articles below that peak your interest.

new small group members connecting to attending

4 Ways to Get Small Group Members From Connecting to Attending

“If you want to encourage a new member to go from signing up for a small group to attending their first small group gathering, take a moment to look at the situation from their perspective.

Here are four things you can consider to help them take that step.”

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4 Ways Small Groups Can Brighten the Holiday Blues

“There are people around us who have a difficult time celebrating during the holidays. Many of them have experienced a significant loss of someone or something (such as family members, friends, finances, or health). Holidays can amplify that feeling of loss.”

“Here are four ways to consider helping those struggling who God put in your care.”

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The “No-Pressure” Small Group Leader Recruitment Method

” At that moment, he realized I never asked him or pushed him to be a small group leader. Even though he believed I was a major influence on his decision, he didn’t know how it happened.

I have had the privilege of seeing many small groups birthed out of my small group. The method I discovered is intentional, depends on God, and removes the pressure from everyone involved.”

small group leader speaking their language

Small Group Leader: Are You Speaking Their Language?

“I naturally communicate in the language I prefer and understand the best. But it isn’t about me. To be effective, I need to communicate in the language of my current members. I need to abandon my preferred language if it isn’t understood by others.

I’m not talking about the languages we speak. I’m talking about other languages that are just as important in a small group.”

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Small Group Leader: 3 Steps to Avoid Procrastination

“A week arrived when the outdoor temperature reached over 90°F (32°C) every day. If that wasn’t enough, my electric windows stopped working throughout that same week. I felt like I was driving a sauna on wheels… Here is a simple 3-step process to get started on a better path”

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5 Keys for Small Group Ministry Growth

“Leadership isn’t easy. Growth isn’t either. They require us to embrace change and get uncomfortable. If we don’t delegate, we can’t lead.”

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5 Tips for Launching Summertime Short-Term Groups

“Several lives were changed and several lasting friendships were built that summer in these two small groups. But God taught me some benefits of short-term small groups that I didn’t fully appreciate until then. Here are 5 tips to ensure you receive those short-term small group benefits…”

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10 Traits of a Healthy Small Group Ministry

“It sounds good. But what does it really mean for a small group ministry to be run like a family?… The following list contains ten traits that typically belong to healthy families. I believe they also apply to healthy small group ministries.”


How to Encourage Prayer Between Small Group Meetings

“Do you struggle with how often your small group coaches and leaders pray for those they lead? Are your small group leaders looking for new ways to encourage their members to pray for each other throughout the week?… What if there was a way to encourage yourself and those you lead to pray daily and encourage the ones they are praying for at the same time?”


Are SMART Goals Holding You Back?

“Are your goals God-inspired? Be sure they are in alignment with what He has in store. Don’t hold back!”


Do This Before Goal Setting for Small Groups

“But your small group ministry is too important to go the way of the typical New Year’s Resolution. Your ministry can transform the lives of many people. There is something you can do to turn things in your favor.”


How to Write an Encouraging Thank You Note to Your Volunteers

“Are you scratching your head trying to come up with some effective ways to encourage your small group volunteers? Writing a thank you note is a simple, inexpensive, and effective way to let your volunteers know you appreciate them… Consider these tips when getting out your pen and paper”