Small Group Leader Tips From the Web #003

There are some great leadership resources on the Web (as well as Small Group International) that contain helpful tips we can apply as small group leaders, Here are some of my favorite articles I recently read that I thought you might enjoy and use in your leadership life as well:

The Top Five Questions Every Small Group Leader Has

smll group questions

There are some questions often asked by small group leaders and those considering becoming small group leaders. These questions range from “How much Bible knowledge do I need to have?” to “How do I choose a study?”  This article from Chris Surratt captures the top questions and responds with wise, concise answers.

3 Reasons Your Group Needs to Party More


We need to create a small group environment where relationships can build. This includes an experience that goes beyond group meetings. This article by Ken Braddy describes three great reasons why parties might be what your small group needs.

How to Avoid Gossip in Your Small Group

small group gossip

Nothing will destroy the safe environment you create faster than gossip or breaking a confidence.  In this article, Caroline Case provides some practical advice on how you can help avoid gossip in your small group.

Lead with Courage

small group leader courage

Skip Prichard interviews the author of The Courage Way: Leading and Living with Integrity, Shelly Francis, about leading with courage. This interview uncovers the different types of courage and the ingredients that can cultivate courage.

4 Ways to Avoid Burnout in 2018

burnout small group leader

Burnout is a real danger for those leading small groups. There are always things to do and other responsibilities competing for our time. Andrew Camp shares four steps we can take now to avoid suffering from burnout.

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